Growing To Give

Growing To Give is a registered 501c3 non-profit that
develops projects and partnerships to free people from
hunger across the country and around the world.


  • Phoenix Food Forest Initiative
  • Street By Street Food Security

Phoenix Urban Food Forest Initiative

The Phoenix Urban Food Forest Initiative, led by Christopher Macy, aims to transform underutilized urban spaces into thriving, sustainable food forests. This project began in March 2020 on his property as a proof of concept, inspired by Ron Finley in Los Angeles and developed while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project now includes seven parkways with 72 fruit trees for the neighborhood.

Our mission is to provide fresh, organic produce to local communities, promote environmental stewardship, and educate residents about sustainable agricultural practices. Our long-term goal is to create the largest urban food forest in the United States. The starting scope of the project is from 35th Ave to 37th Ave and from Van Buren St to Roosevelt St, encompassing 20 acres of urban parkways that the city owns but homeowners are responsible for maintaining. This project will progress block by block until completion, implementing water tanks with drip lines and automated timers to conserve water. Future programs will be established in local neighborhood schools to teach students how to start agricultural businesses and learn about food sustainability.

Our Mission - Edible Landscapes

To cultivate sustainable urban food forests in Phoenix, Arizona, providing fresh produce and educational resources to local communities.

street by street food forest project

Project Goals

1. Increase Food Security: Provide fresh, organic produce to underserved communities and form future partnerships with the nearby food bank.

2. Environmental Sustainability: Promote biodiversity and sustainable land use practices by integrating food systems directly into neighborhoods where people live.

3. Community Engagement: Involve Phoenix residents in the planning, development, and maintenance of food forests. As the project progresses, establish neighborhood food markets to generate much-needed income for lower-income communities.

4. Educational Outreach: Offer workshops and resources on sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. Create partnerships and educational food sustainability programs for Alta E. Butler Elementary School, Carl T. Smith Middle School, and Carl Hayden High School. Plant fruit trees and vegetables for students to learn to care for, harvest, and cook with in school cafeterias. Teach students how to create businesses selling produce, landscaping services, worm castings, and seeds.

Key Components

1. Site Selection and Preparation

---Starting from 36th Ave and Fillmore St, we are almost to 36th Ave and McKinley St, progressing north on both sides of the street parkways. This will continue block by block, moving north, south, east, and west until every parkway neighbor has given permission for planting, covering from 35th Ave to 37th Ave and Van Buren St to Roosevelt St.

---In the future, with funding, we will conduct soil testing and remediation by adding worm castings and creating an environment for Mycorrhizae to grow.

---Rebuilding Life Gardens LLC will begin by planting native fruit trees and layering in-ground vegetables as the fruit tree canopy develops over the years and soil conditions improve.

2. Planting and Cultivation

---The project has started with Arizona-native fruit trees and desert trees that can handle the summer heat. These include fruit trees such as citrus, pomegranates, olives, mulberries, prickly pear cacti, figs, apples, plums, Barbados cherries, sugar cane, and more.

---With funding, we will implement permaculture principles to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. We have partnered with Growing to Give and will utilize technological systems such as crop circles where possible, automated drip lines attached to water tanks, and wood chips/mulch for water retention and soil remediation.

---We utilize organic and regenerative agricultural practices, primarily focusing on permaculture. This involves recreating what nature does naturally and allowing beneficial insects, birds, and local wildlife to come into the ecosystem.

3. Community Involvement

---With funding, we will organize volunteer days for planting and maintenance with private organizations and local neighbors to benefit from the project.

---Establish a community advisory board to guide project development. Growing to Give has agreed to provide oversight, support, and guidance as the project grows.

---Create educational programs for schools and community groups within the neighborhood and city of Phoenix.

4. Sustainability Measures

---Use rainwater harvesting systems for irrigation.

---Incorporate composting and mulching to enrich the soil.

---Monitor and adapt practices to enhance ecosystem health.

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